Friday, May 21, 2010


This week has been a tad bittersweet for me. We're moving out of the city into our new roomy, lovely, Oakland home, and this past Wednesday was my last prenatal acupuncture appt. I will miss both Rose & SF, but as our soon to be neighbor put it, "SF is only a 15 minute BART ride away." True that! Another major accomplishment will occur this Saturday outside of our move, I'll finish up my last final for my RE license!!! woohoo!

The master plan is:
1. Take the state exam by Summer's end
2. Pass, lol
3. Enroll in at least 2 classes towards my broker's license
4. Take the last class needed by baby's 1st birthday
5. Take my brokers license by baby's 2nd birthday

We'll see how well the master plan goes, I know that once baby comes everything's going to be turned upside down! I should have became a lawyer so I could have just taken both exams without having to take all of these classes :-P It's been almost a decade since college and it took me a while to get back into the swing of things, especially with the dreadful finance class I took towards my broker's license, ugh. It will all be worth it in the end!!! Fingers crossed that we'll have at least a couple investment properties by the end of the decade (for our baby's future) :)

Back to the most important thing in the world, life! Today was my integrated screening, I've been waiting for this for sooo long!!!!! I popped out of bed at 5am, ready to go by 7am, and had to chillax by the time our appt came around at 8:30am, lol. Seeing our baby actually look like a baby was surreal! It was the first appointment where I didn't cry hysterically because I was taken aback by my baby's beautiful dancing/ballet, it was my first proud mommy moment! My husband and I tried to zone in on our baby's genitalia, but couldn't see a thing since baby's legs were crossed the majority of the time. I have a feeling it's a girl... either way I'm elated since the chance baby has down syndrome is 1 in 30,000, woohoo!!!

Alright, so more fun stuff- pics!!! I have to cut this blog short due to the fact that I have to finish packing the rest of the apartment and study some more for my final tomorrow ;)

Look at my beautiful baby sucking it's thumb :')