Friday, April 30, 2010

9 weeks 3 days!

Woohoo! Baby updates are always good, especially during this uncertain time :) I meant to post yesterday after my dr visit, but the flurry of hormones mixed with all of the other tasks I had to complete by the month's end had me a little low on fuel.

Yesterday was another monumental day, we heard baby R's heartbeat whoosh through the neat handheld doppler instrument my dr used (needless to say I became overwhelmed with joy and cried like a baby) :) This sound was a huge relief since last Saturday was a bit of a scare for me. I began cramping during my gfriend's bridal shower :'( I can't begin to tell you how uncomfortable & stressed I was. Luckily, I kept my cool and waited for the cramping to subside and passed it off as our baby making a little more space in their room. This was the second scare that I've encountered thus far in my pregnancy, and I pray to God that is will be my last!

Since my last post, I had to face the fact that my clothes no longer accomodate my growing figure. I went on a mini shopping spree at Marshall's and a few other places & bought some flowy dresses, larger tops, and a pair of maternity jeans. I understand that it's normal for women to gain a few pounds in their first trimester, but my fat jeans have turned into my too tight to even be considered skinny jeans jeans :-/ After having a mini meltdown in one of the dressing rooms (hormones at their finest), I resorted to calling my preggo friend & hubby for a pep talk.

After that emotional whilwind, I was not expecting for the scale at the doctor's office to read 125lbs. Huh? I'm pretty much the same weight pre-preggo, I gained a pound, but who would've thought that a pound would make me move up 1 size larger in my tops and 2 sizes larger in my bottoms. Confused as ever, I asked my dr why my clothes no longer fit if I only gained one pound, to which she replied "thank your hormones."

Oh, one last "discovery" I'd like to post about. This past Wednesday, while being treated by Rose, she had mentioned that she believed that I was further along than she had thought (originally she estimated my due date as 12/2, but the ultrasound technician gave us a date of 11/29 based on the length of our baby). Well, crazy enough, yesterday when my dr looked at my fuller (bloated) belly, she told my husband and I that she thought we were one week further along then she had thought. Hmph, so now we may possibly have our little turkey on turkey day since I've now been given a due date range of 11/22-11/29, yay! Exciting! Baby will be home with family for the holidays :)